Monday, 29 November 2021

 Why I want to be a BRATs Young Journalist

Life is an amalgamation, and a complex one, of many things. A omnipresent, bold portrait of every possible colour melded together on a single canvas. 
For so long, people have tried to dissect this conundrum; to delve into the depths; to dig deeper and plunge further, in a quest to unravel to find the true definition of humanity's essence. But a real truth looms that life is so extraordinarily complex, that maybe its truth should lie in what each individual believes is its ultimate creed.
My definition of life, is challenge.
Here's some more basic bio on me. Name: Koh CY. Age: 14. At least nine of those years, I've been an active peruser of the Star. From the day I first picked up its freshly-printed, inked pages I've enjoyed filling myself up with my daily dose of thunderstrike headlines from all over, glossy pages of the lifestyle section that rotated on a satisfying weekly cycle of makeup, travel and auto news, and the comics- Calvin & Hobbes will always remain a favourite of mine.
I've had a deep interest in the line of journalism, too. It's a highly multifaceted job, that most don't realise beyond the images of reporters with mics being sent into the middle of warzones while their colleagues smile back at the cameras from a studio. Journalism is a form of storytelling. It brings the world to one's hands, in print or by screen, from the most groundbreaking stories of the week to a simple, wholesome anecdotal article. What has always amazed me about journalism is, despite the arduousness, the struggles, and sometimes even the danger, producing an article takes, it is truly a job that, for many, always remains fresh.
Last but not least, I enjoy writing- greatly. English has always been a favourite subject of mine since first grade, and I've read a wide range of fictional and non-fictional prose throughout my life so far. I can expand my writing abilities to a plethora of contexts- from my strongest suit in stories and poetry, to pertinent, condensed arguments in debates, to non-fictional essays and presentations for countless assignments. And I'm deeply interested to increase my talents further by learning to write in a journalistic context- which is why I was passionate about joining the BRATs team from the word go! 

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